Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Apple New Ads -- Leadership by Comittee

Sean Oliver has a great piece about the new Apple ad campaign. He nailed it with this one:

Collateral like this happens when there is no creative vision coming down from senior leaders. When leaders delegate the vision downward, middle managers end up having to make the final call, but in almost all cases they don’t have the power to do so alone. So, they go about securing buy-off from multiple teams, and the result was leadership by committee. Not exactly the Apple way.

Yeah. And if that is true, that rings quite a lot of bells about Apple's future. Because it would mean a crack in the company's core values -- strong attention to the detail and great leadership vision.

My personal impression of these spots: meh. Not awful but not appealing as well. Gosh, if they simply had shown a Mac in action -- you know -- a couple of screen animations and close-ups, they would have came up with a much better campaign.