Monday, 24 September 2012

Well, Actually

If you are a developer, you must read this Miguel de Icaza post. You. Must.

As developers, we spend year after year designing systems and then observing how our designs cope (or not) with reality. Years of chasing, finding, fixing (and introducing new) bugs. Years of  gaining hard-earned knowledge, mindset and critical thinking.

And during all these years, we build in ourselves ability to quickly find weaknesses in flows or structures. Ability to step back, take a look at the bigger picture and then dig into just the right level of detail in an instant. Ability to predict where problems might arise and ability to plan for solutions even before everyone else has realized there could ever be a problem. And all these abilities define us as software engineers.

"But our engineering strength is also our social weakness."

So true.
Still here? Go, read, seriously.