Paul Krugman has a post today ( about the symmetry between Microsoft and Apple.
I disagree.
While there are some parallels, these are very different companies building very different products in a very different way. And, as it is normal with all big and great companies, there are ups and downs, good and bad, hits and flops.
Trying to put them under one umbrella with statements like 'there is, once you look past the surface, a remarkable symmetry between Microsoft’s strategy in its heyday and Apple’s strategy today' is the same as saying that Star Trek and Star Wars are the very similar because they are, you know, about space.
Both companies are incredible success stories. It will be interesting to watch how these (and other tech) companies develop in the years to come. Apple -- as it faces bigger more fierce l competition mainly from the Android world, and Microsoft, still trying to find its path with its new, yet unknown and unchosen CEO.