Monday, 5 March 2012

'Key Lime Pie' is The Next Android Version

Chris Ziegler's post in The Verge revealed what the name of the next Android will likely be.

Key Lime Pie.


I love how fast the Android team is able to iterate. They are doing an amazing job. Technically.

The only little, little problem is that most Android devices are never updated. Ice Cream Sandwich runs on less than 1% of all Android-powered devices. One percent.

Currently if you want a newer Android version you must either:
a) root your device (if you are lucky enough to find a stable rom for it);
b) buy a new device (and you better start praying the manufacturer will actually give a shit and will push any future OTA updates in a timely manner).

So even if Google manages to push ten Android versions per year, it doesn't really matter. You are not buying a phone every month.